NEW COZZZZzzzzzmoNAUTICA IN WESTGERMANY, BERLIN the night from 1st-2nd of JUNE

Himmelfart / Ascension Day: 1st of June
"sleep-over concert night & cosmological knowledge wonder show"
with STEFAN TIRON and guests from musical, artistic and scientific local scenes
WestGermany, Skalitzerstr.133/ 2nd floor, from 9pm
Reclaim space-exploration as an earthly phenomenon. It was always prohibitively expensive and available only to big budgets, trained specialists and national agencies. Nevertheless today basically any familiar environment can be equipped with minimal spaceĀ±time travel requirements.
WestGermany will be imaginary spaceship and our base to simulate trough sound and a stream of documentaries (new and old).
You don't need state-of-the-art technology to wonder at the sublime and destructive gamma-ray bursts, or follow the scorching demise of the earth 5 billion years from now. Lets look down and wonder at our blue spaceship earth, for the first time like Gagarin before us.
Artists and space aficionados have always managed to circumvent the limits and barriers,
together we want to use their way to shortcut cosmic distances and enjoy kitchen-sink space travels here on earth-
as it is also already the time to celebrate the unfulfilled dreams of space exploration; the uncompleted missions, the cosmonauts left hanging in orbit because of new political re-mappings, and corny space tourism taking over the grandiose scientific enterprise.
Our journey on June the 1st doubles not only paradigmatic shifts trough pre-copernican worlds but also trough differing ways of imagining space travel, the origin of our universe or the history of astronomy.
Like a bunch of hibernating, noctambulous mammals that we are, we will retrace some of the sucesive ways to access the immensity of cosmic space.
EVERYBODY is invited to bring his/hers schlafsack, iso, comfy clothes(even pajamas!), favorite pets, your family, interplanetary toys & games, air-tight space crackers or any foods for a long night in outer space!
(please feel free to contribute to the program:
Looking forward!
The Program
1) The whole actually starts with people conquering a place/spot to sit, stay or sleep during the night. Means fitting in everybody and keeping free routes of escape/going out to toilets or doors.
2) If everybody is comfortable and settled in, the screening or/and lecturing can commence with discussion breaks in btwn./ a sternchensuppe dinner is planned.
3) Sleeping concerts start later on during the night and are associated with the nocturnal state of the sleep over.
4) the last sleep-nauts will get a cozzzmo diploma in the morning!
Labels: asteroid, Barbarella, Berlin, Cosmism, himmelfahrt, meteorite, populist science, wonder show